Shut your eyes; it's time to dream.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fancy clothes & diamond rings

“You know hearts these days aren’t cheap.”

Perfectly phrased passages forgotten all because I couldn’t be bothered rolling over. And as I sit here and try to think what that sentence said, I won’t be able to remember it for the life of me. But that doesn’t matter; sentences just as fitting will no doubt be coined.

Permission seeked some time ago is only now being brought to the fore. The subject matter is the same, but as each word presents itself on the page, for your mind to digest, the rest of you come to realize the circumstances aren’t what they used to be because someone fished that little too much. Luckily you’ve put your rod away, don’t want you poking at things that will only cause more pain. But you’re used to it. Smile on your face, dead behind the eyes. Steel ribbed, black hearted, dead inside. You know the deal.

Keep your mouth shut, slowly weed him out, open the window, but only a quarter of an inch, just enough for you to slip out, but at the same time, enough for him to catch you if he is quick enough. But we know you won’t be waiting around. No, you’ve made your choice, and you’re sticking to your guns. Walking solo down that path, until Friday night, at least, then who knows what will happen. What we do know is that you’re prepared. Prepared for the best, and prepared for the worst. Expectations are at 180 degrees, disappointment standing in its shadow, taking a backseat ride until prompted. One thing we can expect is disappointment. The brilliance of that last sentence cannot be missed. The ego has been fed, back to business.

And as we look back on what once was, that night you don’t want to talk of, the night that will remain in the depths of your mind, locked away and buried with your worst nightmares, there are positives to take out of this, like everything. The stimulation, the laughter, the challenge(s), the growth, the way he made sentences stand up and be noticed without putting Viagra in the ink. Most importantly, you still have yourself, but better. Embrace it.

He had his chance, he blew it, right out of the water, sky high, and now it’s coming back down at rate so fast it is going to crush him. Such is life.

And as an intimate acoustic tune rings out through my speakers, I know that this is now complete.

“And one day, he will lose the best part of his life.”

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