Shut your eyes; it's time to dream.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Love/hate Cry/laugh Dwell/move

“Sometimes you gotta do something for yourself... I’ve given him some time....”

Those somewhat impenetrable six foot walls are standing tall once again and you refuse to let them down. You’re back to a place where you don’t want to be. A place where faces are long and moods are somber, a place where people have forgotten what happiness is, what happiness means. Back to square one, or should I say one point five? The doors locked but you can still see through the cracks. Hope is gone, dead and buried but if he shows up at any given time foolishness will take over and I’ll be saying I told you so, again. But let’s not be contemplating the unlikely here, we don’t want you teeing yourself up for disappointment, you’ve have enough of that lately.

One minute things are fine, the next you’re glancing over your shoulder and everything has changed. Just like somebody has snapped their fingers and made shit hit the fan and splatter all over your walls in your now not-so-perfect world. Ties were severed, then you were worse off, now you’re not so bad and those pearly whites are making more appearances as days go by.

Words exchanged over drinks that look remarkably similar to the skyline on a December evening in unlikely booths reveal there is more to the story and an unexpected side to which I am now privy to. The claws come out but don’t pierce through his sometime armor plated emotion, only because you’re in control of that. All it takes is one question and you’re trying to make two wrongs a right. But those three faces staring back at you that night know you’re better than that. So it’s up to you if you want to prove us right, or wrong, for that matter. Balls in your court, where you hit it is entirely up to you. Don’t mishit it, things could get messy.

People knock on doors and expect answers straight away, but sometimes it doesn’t always work, so you keep trying, then eventually you get an answer. Whether it’s the one you want or not is another question.

He had your heart, and he broke it by saying nothing, and that, my friend was deafening silence.

“When you’re alone, you ain’t nothing but alone.”

1 comment:

  1. you're gonna hate me... I love it.

    But: "your walls in you’re now not-so-perfect world."
    "you're" > "your."

    And "armor" is "armour" when using UK grammar (which is what we use in AUS) ;)

    "Balls" > "Ball's"

